
Hit Me Britney One More Time

I am not ashamed of my adoration of Miss Spears. I have loved her (and not so secretly wanted to be her) from the Hit Me Baby One More Time days. I mean, I was 12 and besides- how could you not LOVE Britney!?  She was everything a cool 12 years wanted to be...cute, adorable and dancing down high school  hallways with her toned midriff showing. I mean- Come On!!

Then she went and got all her sexiness happening with songs like Boys (Pharrell- yum!) and Slave for You and parent associations went crazy with all the accusations of her being too risque. Oh please, get over it. Its Britney Bitch!!!

After all the sexiness came her first marriage. 55 hours later it was over.
Then came Kevin.
And the wedding.
And the failed reality TV show.
And the babies.
And the divorce.
And the craziness.
And the shaved head Britney.

She will forever be known affectionately as Bat Shit Crazy Britney Brit Brit.
But after all the legal stuff , being surrounded by weirdo assistants and wannabee friends, flashing her hoo-ha too many times (Now know infamously as doing a Britney) she seems to have gotten herself into somewhat of a better place.

Releasing her latest record with catchy tunes like Till The World Ends and I Wanna Go Brit Brit seems have gone and done a Stella and gotten her grove back.

Bout damn time girl! Hears to hoping she finally and forever back on track.

ex oh

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