

to the boy that makes me smile. today is your day. i hope that things start falling in to place for you. i know how much you want a change of pace and i am crossing my fingers and toes for you. you work so hard and you are so committed to being better. i am so proud to have you in my life and so proud to see the things we have achieved together. i look forward to the many years of smiles and laughter, PS3 and dinner cooking together. i look forward to our holidays together and the many projects we have in the pipeline. you are a wonderful person, a super action man who came and made things work for me, just when i needed it the most. thank you for being you. i love you. happy birthday J.




random pretty weed

east fremantle coastal view
ralph lauren's and cocktails

he sat still just long enough for a portrait
gorgeous perth dusk
so, its monday bloody monday. the weather is shocking and i am ready to curl into a ball under a duvet and go back to dream land. not even my lemon yellow nailpolish can brighten my mood. hopefully monday bloody monday is nicer to you.




to the best friend a girl could ever ask for. you are not only my cousin. you are a ray of sunshine and a glass half full of hope to my eternal stress and a cup of hot tea to my skinny latte. tersia, i have never met anyone as complex, dedicated and focused as you. you know what you want and chase it. you are an inspiration to me. you make me (and im sure everyone around you) laugh at your silly antics, your dumb blonde moments and the constant positivity that comes out of your mouth. i don't think i will ever meet someone with such strong ideas and opinions, but then again there is only one you. we have been through so much together and i am thankful for each and every moment that we have spent becoming best friends.
times like when we raced. you fell, i won. the times we fought over who would wash the dishes. the times we would walk home from primary school together. the secrets we have shared and the heartbreak we have conquered. i wouldn't be who i am with out you. you wouldn't be who you are without me. we have crossed oceans together. grown up together. went to university together and graduated together. we have such a strong bond and i thank god for every day that i have you in my life. you are my sister. you are an amazing person, with such a bright spirit and a smile that lights up your beautiful face. stay as you are. you are perfect that way. even with all your "ways" i would not change you for the world.

happy birthday. enjoy it. embrace it. own it. i love you.


table mountain, cape town
as of today there are 4 months until i jet away to the motherland. i get to embrace the culture shock that comes with every deplane in jhb international. i can not wait. it will have been more than a year since i would have been back in December, with the last time being for my grandmother's burial, so i am hoping to make new, happy, touristy memories this trip with the boy and his wonderful family. to say that going back to south africa is an experience that everyone should experience is slight understatement. the food, the culture, the people, the obsession with sport and the absolute transformation from racism plagued outsider to the rainbow nation is a sight to behold. i cannot wait to step onto south african soil and breathe it in and just take a moment to remember that i am, deep down, to the core, home.


mad for mad men

i have been in love with this TV series since season one. in the beginning, it was slow and i didn't see myself finishing it. but gradually it grew on me, so much so that i would stay awake until ree-donk-ulous hours to watch an episode through to the end. the characterisation, the writing, the costumes- everything was just so captivating. the thing that stuck out the most for me was the culture of the time, with everyone drinking and smoking like there was no tomorrow. pregnant? no worries, light it up! just had a heart attack? please drink it up! in a business meeting? of course you can! there was no place that it was unacceptable to light it up. one of the most intriguing characters has to be Peggy, played by Elizabeth moss. peggy shows such a transformation through the series, from shy receptionist to a confident woman, who is not afraid of her sexuality and not afraid to admit she likes her work. i dont think one can watch mad men without noting the ah-ma-zingness that that christina hendricks, who plays the sassy and confident joan holloway. she is by far my favourite. she is beautiful, strong willed, street smart and above all she owns that office. nothing goes by without joan knowing about it, nothing of note happens without her hand at least having some sort of influence and no gossip leaves the office without her hearing it first or shutting it down completely. she is like the sasha fierce of the show. all in all, i heart mad men and cant wait for the next season. i heart it so much that i have even purchased some mad men inspired clothing, which will no doubt be in an upcoming post. hurry up next season! i am suffering without my usual doses of don draper, peggy and joan.




baking adventures

perfect end to sunday

maccaroon <3
arm candy


op shop viewing in guildford

weekly netball w the girls

my obsession with moisturisers continues

sunday morning happiness


Unhealthy Obsession

Brian Atwood

Charlotte Olympia



ZU Shoes- Syrah

Brian Atwood




East End Engagement

This past weekend, one of my closest lovelies and her fiance threw their engagement party. It was a very classy affair, with lots of amazing family and friends there to celebrate their night. Drinks flowed, people got down on the dance floor, photo's where taken and speeches were made. All in all, an amazing night for everyone.

Everything was going wonderfully and the night ended with a massive dance off. And then I fell down the stairs. Coz you know, that's how I roll.

Congrats Mel and Max!
M&M for always
