
mad for mad men

i have been in love with this TV series since season one. in the beginning, it was slow and i didn't see myself finishing it. but gradually it grew on me, so much so that i would stay awake until ree-donk-ulous hours to watch an episode through to the end. the characterisation, the writing, the costumes- everything was just so captivating. the thing that stuck out the most for me was the culture of the time, with everyone drinking and smoking like there was no tomorrow. pregnant? no worries, light it up! just had a heart attack? please drink it up! in a business meeting? of course you can! there was no place that it was unacceptable to light it up. one of the most intriguing characters has to be Peggy, played by Elizabeth moss. peggy shows such a transformation through the series, from shy receptionist to a confident woman, who is not afraid of her sexuality and not afraid to admit she likes her work. i dont think one can watch mad men without noting the ah-ma-zingness that that christina hendricks, who plays the sassy and confident joan holloway. she is by far my favourite. she is beautiful, strong willed, street smart and above all she owns that office. nothing goes by without joan knowing about it, nothing of note happens without her hand at least having some sort of influence and no gossip leaves the office without her hearing it first or shutting it down completely. she is like the sasha fierce of the show. all in all, i heart mad men and cant wait for the next season. i heart it so much that i have even purchased some mad men inspired clothing, which will no doubt be in an upcoming post. hurry up next season! i am suffering without my usual doses of don draper, peggy and joan.


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Mad Men and I wish I could rule the office as well as Joan! I can't wait to see your lovely purchases :).
